Okay, I'm a little embarrassed I have been really slacking on regular posts. Okay, pretty darn embarrassed. Break's over now so you'll be hearing a lot more from me :) Truth is, I have been really enjoying all of the holiday season with my family. And it has been wonderful. For the past several years I have been working retail or fast food over the season, Thanksgiving through New Years working extra hours to help through the busy months. This year I was able to be home with my family for most of the time and I loved it, I soaked in every minute of it. I enjoyed my time with them so much and I am beyond thankful for that much-needed break, but I'm also glad things will be slowing down now and I can really get focused and be productive.
I know my most recent post was also my first "Weekly Wish." This week is a special edition one though, so hopefully it won't seem too repetitive.
This week is all about achievements of 2013.
♥ p h o t o l o v e ------------------
It was a struggle for me to find a good photo of something orange. Finally came across this photo taken at my wedding, the popcorn bar on the way out the door. Photo credit Jodi Erion Photography.

♥ 2 0 1 3 s u c c e s s ----------------------
Got married.
(to the most amazing man EVER)
Moved into a house that we love.
Went out of the country for the first time.
(fell in love with beautiful Mexico)
Spent my honeymoon without any of my luggage
and still had the time of my life.
Celebrated our little sunshine's first birthday.
Narrowed down what I wanted to do with my life.
Quit my job.
Began this blog.
Started working on starting a business.
Took over my husband's mancave with craft mess.
Made a plan to organize craft mess into beautiful office area.
(will get to the DO part soon)
Got a very cute black kitty. Named him Bagira.
Learned to load and shoot a shotgun.
Started a savings plan.
Drove a pick up truck for the first time ever.
I just can't believe tomorrow is the last day of 2013. It has been a phenomenal year and I am so excited to see what 2014 has in store. It will be another year of hard work and lots of new memories. I'm anxious to get started.
Visit the link-up party for Weekly Wishes by The Nectar Collective here.